Food Waste Summit

a group of people talking at a table
This summit served to increase awareness around the impact of food waste and to profile initiatives that retailers, institutions and community groups are undertaking to reduce food waste locally and nationally.

On March 2, Divert NS hosted a Food Waste Summit to increase awareness of the impacts of food waste and to profile initiatives that retailers, institutions and community groups are undertaking to reduce food waste in Nova Scotia and across Canada.

The one-day summit was attended by representatives from retail, academic institutions, the National Zero Waste Council, community groups, and provincial, municipal and federal governments.


The event wrapped up with a stakeholder engagement session on the National Food Waste Reduction Strategy, led by Andrew Marr from the National Zero Waste Council Food Waste Working Group. Participants discussed Canada’s National Zero Waste Council’s multi-year, comprehensive strategy focused on:

  • Reducing greenhouse gases
  • Promoting innovation and clean technology
  • Lowering garbage disposal costs
  • Building community resiliency by increasing family access to foodstuffs
  • Engaging Canadians to become part of the solution.

Photos from the event are available here(Note: Photos are copyright Divert NS 2017. If you download and share photos, please credit Divert NS.)

The summit was presented in partnership with Walmart Canada and Nova Scotia Environment, with hosting and facilitation by NATIONAL Public Relations.