Oversight for Extended Producer Responsibility
Nova Scotia is joining other provinces in adapting a new approach to packaging and paper recycling that will result in a more efficient process for curbside recycling and will enable a greener future for Nova Scotians.
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EPR Oversight Program
The Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging, Paper Products, and Packaging-like Products (or EPR for PPP) will shift responsibility for curbside recycling programs from municipalities to the producers of packaging and paper products. Under the new program, producers will have to meet recycling targets that, over time, will encourage more eco-friendly packaging and reduce single-use plastics.
This program will standardize recycling programs across Nova Scotia, reduce the amount of waste disposed in landfills, and incentivize producers to reduce consumer packaging. EPR moves the physical and financial obligation of collecting, sorting, and processing curbside recyclables to producers and away from municipal governments and taxpayers.
The Regulation
In December 2021, the provincial government committed to EPR for PPP as part of the Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act.The specific regulations for the program were announced August 2, 2023 – signalling the start of the transition.
Divert NS was appointed by the province to administer and oversee the EPR for PPP program, which includes compliance with the waste diversion targets and enforcing the obligations of producers, processors, producer responsibility organizations, and municipalities.

Information for Municipalities
The blue bag programs currently operated by municipalities will be assumed by a producer responsibility organization (PRO) that will act on behalf of the various packaging producers. This means that municipalities will no longer be responsible for funding and operating the curbside recycling programs by December 1, 2025.
Nova Scotia municipalities have been provided with detailed information and resources to support them in registering and providing data on their curbside recycling programs.
For any questions, please contact eprsupport@divertns.ca.