Divert NS funds projects designed to commercialize new technology, products or services focusing on innovation.
Who Can Apply
Individual businesses, business associations, industry groups, and industry-led partnerships can apply. Applicants must hold the necessary licenses, leases, and permits, where applicable, and confirm a 20% equity position in the project to qualify for assistance.
What the Funding Is For
Value-Added Manufacturing Funding will be provided for approved projects that develop:
Innovative products from solid waste-resources
Waste-resources processing and handling technologies
End markets for waste-resources
Processes or technology to increase efficiency
Value-Added Manufacturing Funding Documents
If your project is suited to our Value-Added Manufacturing Funding program, contact Divert NS for guidance before submitting an application.
Once your application is ready, you can submit it to funding@divertns.ca with the subject line “Value-Added Manufacturing Funding Inquiry.”