Divert NS Community Heroes School Bottle Drive Contest
Divert NS awarded a total of $5,000 in cash prizes to primary and secondary students and schools in Nova Scotia for organizing a bottle drive in their community.
The number of bottles collected and returned throughout the contest totalled 187,103! That's almost $15,000 going towards schools in Nova Scotia including our awards. Thank you to everyone who participated and helped to keep Nova Scotia clean by recycling responsibly.
Congratulations to all of the winners!

Cape Breton Provincial Winner

Annapolis Valley - Kings Region Winner

Antigonish - Guysborough - Pictou County Region Winner

Digby - Yarmouth Region Winner

Halifax Regional Municipality Region Winner

South Shore - West Hants Region Winner

Colchester - East Hants - Cumberland Region Winner

Best Team Photo

The Power is in Your Hands
Nova Scotia’s Deposit-Refund Program for beverage containers applies to all ready-to-serve beverage containers purchased in Nova Scotia with some exceptions. Divert NS manages the program and partners with independently and locally owned Enviro-Depots across the province, who collect beverage containers and pay the refunds on our behalf.
The benefits of recycling your beverage containers at an Enviro-Depot include:
- Preserves high quality resources (since the containers don’t mingle with other waste)
- Creates local jobs and stimulates the circular economy in Nova Scotia
- Rescues resources that could otherwise end up in landfill
- Provides the community an incentive to recycle
- Saves 22,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions every year
With your help, we can divert over 450 million beverage containers every year from landfills. The power is in your hands.