DirectioNS Virtual Summit

A collaborative event with the DirectioNS Council of Nova Scotia to showcase the excellent waste diversion work social enterprises are doing across the province. Breakout sessions were used to facilitate discussion about opportunities for improving and expanding waste diversion efforts.
On December 15, Divert NS hosted the DirectioNS Virtual Summit in collaboration with the DirectioNS Council of Nova Scotia. The goals of the event were to celebrate the waste reduction efforts that social enterprises are engaged in around the province; and promote increased collaboration and adoption of waste reduction practices moving forward.
Prior to the summit, Divert NS sent a survey to DirectioNS council members to assess their current waste diversion activities. The results of the survey were presented at the summit, and they demonstrated a wide range of initiatives currently at play by member agencies.
Attendees at the summit included representatives from 18 DirectioNS Council member agencies, municipal solid waste coordinators, Nova Scotia Environment representatives, Divert NS staff and members of the Divert NS Board of Directors.
Presentations touched on initiatives such as waste wood sold as kindling, operating a thrift store, using online auctions, initiatives building furniture from plastic lumber, and more.
- Pre-summit Survey Results, Emily Stratford, Divert NS
- Corridor Community Options (Enfield), Ross Young
- Beehive Adult Service Centre (Aylesford), Cora Auclair
- LakeCity Works (Dartmouth), Liam O’Rourke (presentation not available)
Following the presentations, attendees moved into virtual break-out groups, based on geographical area, and brainstormed key challenges, opportunities, and next steps. Excellent dialogue resulted from these breakout groups, and continued collaboration and work between Divert NS and the DirectioNS Council is expected.
A special thank you goes out to Mike Townsend, executive director of DirectioNS Council. Mike’s willingness to engage with Divert NS and his enthusiasm for the summit were instrumental in the event’s success.