Sustainable Procurement Summit: Waste as a Resource in Construction and Renovation

This summit raised awareness of local companies that supply recycled products. There were two main goals – the first was to increase demand for local, recycled products through the procurement processes of both municipal and provincial governments. The second was to increase the government’s understanding of how recycled products and services could meet their needs in local construction and renovation projects.
On September 21, Divert NS hosted the Sustainable Procurement Summit: Waste as a Resource in Construction & Renovation in Dartmouth. The goals of the event were to raise awareness of local companies that supply recycled products and services; increase understanding of how recycled products and services could meet government needs; and increase the procurement of local recycled products in the province.
Almost sixty key stakeholders attended the event, including municipal and provincial procurement staff; local manufacturers of recycled products; construction companies and associations; municipal waste management reps; and environmental organizations. The event’s built-in networking opportunities proved to facilitate many meaningful connections between attendees.
The following presentations were delivered at the Summit:
- Sustainable Procurement Overview, Lynda Rankin, Nova Scotia Procurement
- Sustainability at NSCC, Kirk Herman, NSCC
- High Performance Tire Derived Aggregate (TDA) Use in Nova Scotia, Jim Simmons, H. James Simmons P.Eng Consulting Ltd
- Diverting Salvageable Materials, Jennifer Corson and Keith Robertson, Solterre Design (this presentation is not available)
During the event, attendees had the opportunity to brainstorm key challenges and opportunities in increasing the procurement of recycled products and services within Nova Scotia. Here is a summary of the group’s input: Sustainable Procurement Summit Report.