Waste Reduction Week

Waste Reduction

Swapping, sharing, thrifting, and repairing – what do all these things have in common? They are all easy ways to reduce waste and they are all key themes of Divert NS’ 2022 Waste Reduction Week campaign! Waste Reduction Week is a public awareness campaign that promotes individual and collective actions to reduce waste. This year, Waste Reduction Week will be held from October 17-23 and there will be many exciting events scheduled across the province to participate in. 

Did you know Divert NS has a list of over 70 community resources for swapping, sharing, thrifting, and repairing across Nova Scotia? One of our favourite ways to reduce waste is to borrow from a local library or recreation department. Borrowing is a great way to try something different without having to purchase anything new. Want to try stand-up paddle boarding? Check with your local recreation department! Want to start your own podcast? Check your local library for podcast equipment! There are lots of opportunities for sharing if you know where to look. Libraries are also a great source of information if you want to learn how to repair rather than throwing items away. Many libraries have a variety of “how-to” books and resources and offer workshops throughout the year. 

One of our waste reduction champions is the DirectioNS Council of Vocational Services Society. DirectioNS is a not-for-profit organization representing 30 member agencies throughout Nova Scotia. Many of these member agencies are involved in waste diversion initiatives. For example, DirectioNS currently supports 16 member-agency thrift stores. Thrifting is a great way to lessen our environmental impact. For example, thrifting a shirt rather than buying it new can save up to 700 gallons of water!

Find Swap, Share, Thrift, Repair events happening in your area. Click here to learn more about Waste Reduction Week in Canada.

Boy swapping skates at community waste reduction week event