Divert NS Student Internship Journey by Gerardo Velez

Waste Reduction

Divert NS Sponsor a Student Intern Series

Each year, Divert NS provides a bursary and work placement opportunity to a NSCC student in the Natural Resources Environmental Technology or Environmental Engineering Technology programs. This year’s recipient is Gerardo Velez, who is entering his second year in Natural Resources Technology. As part of his internship, Gerardo will be a contributing WNN reporter, reporting on areas of waste management that are important to him. 

Over the course of five weeks, I had the privilege of working with Divert NS, an organization dedicated to waste diversion and recycling management. This internship not only deepened my understanding of environmental sustainability but also sparked a passion for recycling and waste management that aligns with my career aspirations.

From day one, I was immersed in the dynamic environment of Divert NS at the Kemptown warehouse. The warehouse, located in Colchester County, is where the beverage containers collected at local Enviro Depots go to be further sorted, baled, and then shipped to recyclers. During my internship, I worked with Quality Control, ensuring that containers are accurately counted and sorted, and documenting the quality control processes. My role provided me with insight into the wide range of materials that can be recycled and understand how the “Nova Scotia Beverage Container Deposit Refund Program” works. It was inspiring to witness the team at the warehouse and how everyone is an expert in their position. The team’s commitment to educating the community about recycling practices has been a good example for me and how I’d like to see myself in my future career.

Gerardo working at the Kemptown Warehouse


During my time at Divert NS, I also had the chance to participate in various projects that directly contributed to the organization’s mission. I assisted in organizing a litter clean-up event, conducted research about ghost gear, and developed educational materials. These experiences reinforced my belief in the importance of sustainable practices in our daily lives.

The past 5 weeks with Divert NS have solidified my career aspirations in the field of environmental science and sustainability. I am now more determined to pursue further education and practices that promote environmental stewardship. The connections I made and the lessons I learned during my internship will guide my career path. Divert NS was more than just a professional opportunity, it was a transformative journey in an industry where I lacked knowledge. The experience equipped me with valuable skills that I can use in the future. As I reflect on my time here, I am grateful for the chance to have been part of an organization at the forefront of recycling innovation, and I am excited to continue my journey toward a more sustainable future.