Meet the 2024 Champions of the Environment
Congratulations to eight 2024 Divert NS Champion of the Environment Scholarship winners. Learn more about these environmental champions, and read their award-winning essays below.

Jake Feener
Syndey Academy
Jake is driven by a sense of responsibility towards our planet’s future, which is why he decided to spearhead his school’s environmental club. Since reinstating the club, Jake has helped it grow to ov
er 60 members! During his time in the club, Jake made connections with local environmental groups such as ACAP Cape Breton, Clean Foundation, and the Municipal Solid Waste Department to help coordinate student led initiatives and community events. Together, the group has led educational watershed walks with ACAP Cape Breton, organized community tree planting initiatives, and held litter clean ups at school and within the community. The environmental club has also been working alongside the Indigenous science students to create a sustainable medicinal garden. Jake is committed to making a difference as an environmental advocate and believes that everyday action will have a positive impact on our shared future. To read Jake’s essay about textile waste, click here.
Piper Arnold
Northumberland Regional High School
Piper’s environmentalism began with an early love of nature and the outdoors. In 2020, she became involved with her school’s environmental committee and in 2021, she became the co-head of the committe
e. As co-head, Piper helped to organize litter clean ups, initiated a reusable mug program, planned tree and flower planting, and brought in guest speakers to help inform students about the importance of environmental action. In her personal life, Piper is working to reduce her carbon footprint by thrifting, using public transportation, and reducing her consumption of animal-based products. To read Piper’s essay about textile waste, click here.

Sappho Thompson
Cobequid Educational Centre
Sappho is dedicated to understanding the science behind climate change. In high school, Sappho participated frequently in the Envirothon, an environmental science competition hosted by Acadia Universi
ty. This event brings teams from schools across the province to compete against each other and tests their skills in forestry, soils, aquatics, wildlife, and climate change. From this experience, she learned about waste reduction, renewable energy, ecosystems, and the changing climate. In 2023, her team won the Envirothon and had the opportunity to travel to the national NCF Envirothon hosted in New Brunswick to learn from climate change experts and research scientific solutions to the climate crisis.
Sappho is also very passionate about social justice and the way marginalized communities are differently affected by climate change. She believes every voice is important in the fight against climate change and understands how critical it is to have diverse perspectives in the climate and environmental space. To read Sappho’s essay about textile waste, click here.

Hayat Daeia
Halifax West
Growing up in Egypt, Hayat witnessed firsthand the detrimental effects of irresponsible waste management practices and the consequences of air pollution on human health. This inspired her to take acti
on and use her voice to advocate against littering and the harmful effects of burning garbage. After moving to Halifax, Hayat continued her environmental advocacy by developing a composting initiative. The idea for this initiative grew when she participated in SUPERNOVA's Girls Entrepreneurship: Climate Changers program. As part of her composting initiative, she hosted workshops at local libraries to teach about the benefits of composting and the environmental impact of reducing food waste. Hayat’s main objective is to enable communities and individuals to proactively address the challenges posed by climate change through education, resources, and support. To read Hayat’s essay about textile waste, click here.

Hannah Vaughan
Horton High School
Hannah is passionate about environmental conservation and is an activist in her school and community. In 2023, Hannah organized a multi-grade beach cleanup, together with students from her school, she
removed over 20 bags of trash from the shoreline. As co-leader of her school’s environmental club, Hannah had the opportunity to attend a climate forum to learn from biologists and conservationists about how to take climate action. She was awarded a grant to initiate her own environmental project with her club co-leader. The project they created was called Earth Heroes: Fighting for a Better Future. As part of the Earth Heroes project, Hannah visited four elementary schools to give presentations about climate change, endangered animals, and waste reduction. The Earth Heroes project reached over 400 students in grades 1-5 and over 100 staff members across the elementary school network. To read Hannah’s essay about textile waste, click here.

Hannah Reinhart-Smith
North Queens Community School
Hannah has always been appreciative of the outdoors. From a young age she has been spending time in nature, camping, hiking, and swimming. This led to her growing connection to the environment and her
passion for environmental protection. Hannah became a leader of the inaugural Envirothon group at her school, which focused on renewable energy projects and competed at Acadia University. In school, Hannah focused on taking classes that reflected her interest in the environment such as Biology and Netukulimk. In Biology, she learned how crucial wetlands are as a carbon sink and water filter. In Netukulimk, she learned to tap maple trees, identify soil types, describe the carbon cycle, and the Mi’kmaq knowledge associated with these topics. Hannah is applying what she learns to her community in hopes of collaborating with the Region of Queens to remove garbage that has been illegally dumped into forests and wetland areas. To read Hannah’s essay about textile waste, click here.

Asha Basran
Digby Regional High School
When Asha moved to Digby, she fell in love with the ocean and became passionate about ocean health and the environment. For over six years, Asha has cleaned up the beach across from Saint Marys Bay. S
he likes to invite friends and family to join her in her cleanup efforts as she believes that helping the environment should be fun! In addition to her love for the ocean, Asha is also passionate about food waste prevention. To reduce food waste, Asha is always making creative meals such as chickpea water chocolate mousse. She also gives healthy scraps to the chickens she and her family raise and uses food scraps to help her garden flourish. For example, she recently learned that eggshells placed around plant stems can stop bugs from reaching the crops, this tip also helps cut down on the use of harmful pesticides in the garden. To read Asha’s essay about textile waste, click here.

Sara El Amouri
École acadienne de Truro
Sara is an environmental leader who works to encourage eco-friendly habits around her school and in her community. As the leader of her school’s environmental club, she takes an active role protecting
the environment. This year, the club has been focused on creating an ecological garden to grow vegetables and flowers. The club also visits grade primary classes to educate students about the importance of recycling and reducing waste. Sara has been involved with Climate Action School helping to raise awareness about the climate emergency and promoting action to reduce our collective carbon footprint. Another highlight for Sara was working with Water Rangers and learning to do water testing. This helped her understand why water quality is so crucial to a healthy environment. To read Sara’s essay about textile waste, click here.
Sara est un leader environnemental qui s'efforce d'encourager des habitudes respectueuses de l'environnement dans son école et dans sa communauté. En tant que responsable du club environnemental de son école, elle joue un rôle actif dans la protection de l'environnement. Cette année, le club s'est concentré sur la création d'un jardin écologique pour faire pousser des légumes et des fleurs. Le club se rend également dans les classes primaires pour sensibiliser les élèves à l'importance du recyclage et de la réduction des déchets. Sara s'est également impliquée dans l'école Climate Action School en aidant à sensibiliser à l'urgence climatique et en promouvant des actions visant à réduire notre empreinte carbone collective. Un autre point fort pour Sara a été de travailler avec les Water Rangers et d'apprendre à analyser l'eau. Cela l'a aidée à comprendre pourquoi la qualité de l'eau est si importante pour un environnement sain. Pour lire l'essai de Sara sur les déchets textiles, cliquez ici.