EPR Producer Obligations

2024 Obligations for EPR Producers

If you are a Producer under Nova Scotia's new Extended Producer Responsibility program for packaging, paper products and packaging-like products, you are obligated to register and provide the following reports to Divert NS in 2024. 

Readiness Report

Due: October 1, 2024

By October 1st, 2024, obligated Producers must submit a Readiness Report to Divert NS outlining their transition plan for managing curbside recycling responsibilities in Nova Scotia. This plan can be executed directly by an individual producer or delegated to the registered Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO), Circular Materials. To delegate, Producers should log into Divert Nova Scotia’s EPR portal as early as July 8th, 2024, to record this decision and have a contract in place with Circular Materials.

The Readiness Report must adhere to the Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging, Paper Products, and Packaging-Like Products (EPR for PPP) Regulations, including consultation with municipalities and a description of the planned collection system. Divert Nova Scotia has provided a Guidance Document to assist in report development.

Producers who do not plan to delegate this obligation to the PRO must submit a comprehensive Readiness Report meeting EPR for PPP regulations and the requirements outlined in the Guidance Document by October 1st, 2024. For further details, contact Divert NS at eprsupport@divertns.ca.

Supply Reporting

Initial supply report due: October 1, 2024

By October 1st, 2024, obligated Producers must submit their initial supply reporting for the 2023 calendar year.  Supply reporting can be executed directly by a Producer or delegated to the registered Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO), Circular Materials. To delegate, Producers should log into Divert Nova Scotia’s EPR portal as early as July 8th, 2024, to record this decision and have a contract in place with Circular Materials.

Supply reporting includes the total weight of designated materials in each category supplied to consumers in Nova Scotia, along with brand information. If supply reporting is delegated to the PRO, the producer must provide an attestation of the information.

Download the Supply Reporting Procedure here.